Friday, May 15, 2020

Benefits Of Organ Donation For Organs - 1670 Words

Millions of women, children, and men throughout each region of the world die each year due to organ complications; however, donating organs has become widely popular in the medical field to help save hospitalized people. Organ donation is a process in which a healthy individual gives up a working organ to an ailing person in need. A person in decent health can be qualified to donate a kidney, liver, or various other organs. In some cases organ donors are deceased but the donors already planned to donate their organs. Both the person searching for an organ and the donor have to go through a considerable amount of tests to find a match which can take several years. Medical practitioners and civilians worldwide argue whether donors should†¦show more content†¦Hundreds of lives are saved each year from generous organ donations. The gift of a donated organ is not only an organ but is also the gift of a new life for the patient. Though some patients are not lucky enough to experie nce this new life because of the long search for a compatible organ. The shortage of organs is an effect of people not wanting to donate organs because the donor receives nothing in return except a good feeling. For the last several centuries, doctors have been relying on humanities favorable morals to donate organs, but humanity has changed and people do not wish to perform acts of heroism without an award. Sally Satel received a kidney in 2006 and states,† Yet, it is lethally obvious that altruism is not a valid basis for transplant policy. If we keep thinking of organs solely as gifts, there will never be enough of them† (226). In order to increase the number of organs available, a new system needs to be put in place to increase organ donations. The medical field can no longer rely on humanities selflessness to persuade people to donate healthy, working organs. The solution to this problem is to establish a market for organs; the supply of organs people hope for can only be reached by offering benefits to the donor. Kidneys and other organs would become more abundant and the waiting period would decrease for the patient. In the event of organ donors being financiallyShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of Organ Donation1300 Words   |  6 PagesThe first successful organ transplant occurred in 1954, when a kidney was donated by a patient’s twin brother. Since then, substantial progress has been made to allow thousands of patients to receive donated organs, but twice as many patients have died waiting for an organ to become available. There is a significant shortage of organs directly caused by the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984, which prohibits financial compensation for donating organs. 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