Sunday, February 23, 2020

British Petroleum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British Petroleum - Research Paper Example With reference to the studies conducted by Vassiliou (2009), it is of essence to first note that British Petroleum (BP) is British multinational Oil and Gas Company, which has established its operations in over eighty countries across the World. Additionally, the company is ranked as the third largest energy company in the World and the fourth largest company in the word in terms of revenue earned. Norse and Amos (2010) in their writings stated that on the 20th of April 2010, there was an explosion at the coast of Louisiana, which originated from BP’s deep-sea petroleum rig that was used for drilling purposes. Following the explosion, the rig burnt down for more than thirty hours before it finally sank into the deep sea and during this time the hydrocarbons in the deep-sea oil reserve had started leaking onto the Gulf of Mexico and it took eighty-seven days to close the leak. According to Juhasv (2011), the accident at the deep sea caused the death of eleven people most of whom were employees of the company, and several people who were near the site of the accident suffered severe injuries. In addition, the oil spill resulted into one of the worst environmental pollution in the world history and it even caused certain illnesses that were related to the spill exposure to those who participated in the clean-up exercises and some of the residents of the gulf region. In regards to the company, it suffered huge economical expenses in the clean up and compensation exercises. This present research paper mainly seeks to analyze the communication strategy adopted by the company after the explosion and in what ways the company could improve its crisis communication strategies. According to Kotter (2012), when an organization is faced with any crisis, it is always important to communicate with all the stakeholders in order to maintain good relations with them. Equally, when BP was

Friday, February 7, 2020

Network Forensics in the Cloud Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Network Forensics in the Cloud - Research Paper Example lenges of performing network forensics are presented due to the decentralization nature of data processing and lack of physical servers making the traditional approaches redundant. The examined challenges in network forensics in cloud infrastructures are as below; The expertise required to handle sophisticated cloud forensic crimes is lacking in many institutions since most investigations are conducted by digital forensic experts using conventional tools and procedures applied traditionally. Laws and regulations are slowly evolving with respect to swiftly changing cloud technologies (Peterson, & Shenoi, 2013). The forensic data accessed is dependent on the cloud model that is implemented in every service and deployment model. For instance; Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) clients have a comparatively unrestricted access to the statistics forensic investigators consider sufficient. On the other hand, the clients to software as a service (SaaS) will be provide with limited or no access to such information. This limited access to forensic information means that users of systems have limited knowledge and control of the physical locations of their data. The providers of cloud service omit the terms of use that would assist forensic preparedness of the cloud service (DeFranco, 2013). This limited access to metadata and log files by customers also reduces the ability to carry – out real time monitoring and auditing. The spread of mobile endpoints is a challenge for the collection of evidence and recovery of data and this is due to the impact of a crime, extensive number of resources linked to the cloud, and the workload of an investigation being considerable. The traditional forensics faces the challenge of disparate log formats and this is aggravated by cloud since there is prevalence of proprietary log formats and it holds large volumes of data logs. Since deleted data is sensitive to forensic investigations then remote access is hardly possible when the